Senin, 25 Agustus 2008

Hair Loss Remedy: Salvage Your Vanished Hair

Hair loss is a widespread problem faced by large number of people. Both men and women are suffering from this dilemma. At some age one has to go through the problem of hair loss. Shedding and growing of hair is a natural process but many people faces excessive hair loss because of various reasons which often results in complete balding. Many of the men starts losing hair as they arrive at the age of 50 and in women’s it usually begins in between the age of 40-50. In a single day one can drop 50-100 strands, and if the ratio keeps on increasing day by day than this is the time to look out for some hair loss remedies.

To name some various causes for hair loss can be over or under activeness of thyroid gland, long illness, injury, genetic reasons, excessive smoking and intake of spicy food, hormonal imbalances during pregnancy, low blood circulation, unhealthy diet and many more.

To get rid of the balding problem there are some natural and chemical hair loss remedies and treatments which are opted by different people according to their requirement. Let’s discuss some of the remedies for hair loss:

· Massage: Massaging the scalp for a couple or minutes or so will stimulate the blood flow to reach to hair follicles and in minute cases of hair loss massage may stimulate the hair growth. There are various electric massagers obtainable in market but the simple traditional way of massaging has been proved the best.

· Henna: Henna is the oldest traditional Indian herb that has been proved as the most excellent herb for maintaining healthy hair and acting as a natural conditioner. It helps in healing and repairing the hair shaft and sealing the hair cuticle preventing against breakage and lack of shine.

· Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera has always been used to prevent hair loss and promote healthy hair by balancing and healing the Ph level and also cleaning the pores of the scalp. The common mixture of gel of aloe Vera with a small amount of wheat germ oil and coconut milk has been appreciated as an excellent hair loss remedy.

· Aromatherapy: A combination of six drops each of bay and lavender essential oils with a base of four ounces of soybean, sesame or almond oil massaged into the scalp and allowing it to remain for 20 minutes has been greatly used by some aroma therapists as hair loss remedy to fuel the scalp.

· Along these, Make a habit to not to wash with too hot water, and also do not wash your hair more than two times in a week.

· Also, Rinse your hair and scalp with a combination of sage tea and apple vinegar which help in hair growth.

· rub the bald area with onions until and unless it turns red and later apply honey on it.

· Drink daily a glass of coriander or fresh spinach juice and minimum 8 glasses of water.

Along these natural and home made hair loss remedies there are several chemical shampoos, oils, and conditioners obtainable in the market which also has shown some quick and great effects in preventing hair loss and regaining the lost one. These hair loss products are all made of natural herbs and ingredients but because of the presence of some of the chemical substances works more faster giving all the positive results and no side effects, however, it is recommendable to go for these products only on a doctor prescription.

Diabetes Symptoms: Find Out at Early Stage

If, there is history of diabetes attacks in your family, then your chances of getting diabetes increases more as diabetes is considered as a genetic condition and hence you should be extra careful about your health. Learn to identify the early symptoms of diabetes and as soon as you recognize them go instantly to your doctor. Instantaneous recognition of symptoms could assist your doctor in diagnosing your condition in a much better way and recommending the proper treatment for you and early detection may prevent the disease from becoming a full blown condition.

The diabetes symptoms are oftentimes harmless and normal but still, frequent urination, irritability, extreme hunger and thirst, and sudden weight loss can be some of the various early symptoms that you may notice. Apart these, some of the other symptoms include skin infections, sleepiness and yeast infection. If you often find yourself falling asleep while watching television or sit down to study, you may be experiencing one of the symptoms.

Though, there are two main types of diabetes that you may get, they are: type1 and type 2 diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes symptoms could develop speedily, more often in days or weeks and if the blood glucose level suddenly gets high, you may suffer a hyperglycemic attack; this can take place if you have not taken proper amount of insulin. The symptoms of hyperglycemic attack can be sleepiness, drowsiness, dehydration, and frequent urination and if it is left untreated it may further lead to diabetic ketoacidosis which sooner or later could cause oblivion and sometimes even death.

The reason for diabetic ketoacidosis takes place when the body starts break down fats for energy instead of glucose, further building up ketone acids in the blood.

Whereas, if the bloods glucose level suddenly gets low you may suffer from a hypoglycaemic attack and this can happen if you have insulin in excess. The symptoms of this attack can be, feeling tetchy and shaky, blurry vision, dry mouth, leg pain which to a certain extent can be brought under control by drinking or eating anything sugary, raisins, sugar cubes or some kind of fizzy drink.

Type 2 diabetes symptoms usually develop over weeks and months; it may also be possible that you may find few symptoms or even no symptoms. Nevertheless, it still need to get treated so that other related health problems do not takes place like kidney disease and some more.

Hence, there are various early signs and symptoms that enable us to know that we are close to mounting full blow diabetes and ignoring these symptoms can be somewhat costly- both in terms of wealth as well as health. Ignoring these symptoms you are most likely to invite some really serious health problems, and the treatment could take a long time. Therefore, it will be feasible to assess your diabetes in the pre-diabetic stage only.

Yet, there are some home precautions that can be taken to prevent can diabetes to some extent, some of them are:

· Eating meals at regular intervals, late eating and over eating should be avoided

· Doing proper exercise will improve circulation and as result will lower down the level of blood sugar.

· Stop eating greasy food, eggs, meat, cheese, excess vegetable oil, rancid seeds and nuts as well as too much of sugar.

· Intake of fresh fruits and vegetables should be increased as they are rich in carbohydrates, fibers which reduces the insulin

Cookie Diet – A Magical Way to Lose Weight

f you have huge deal of weight to lose and don’t wan to work hard and at the same time desires to lose weight. Have you ever heard about a cookie or a cookie diet that can make you drop weight? It is hard to believe but true, that eating a diet of cookies and nothing at all can really help in reducing almost 15 pounds of weight in a month. A cookie diet refers to a diet based on a specially baked cookie that helps to stifle appetite and is one of the most talked about diets in the market. It more or less sounds too good to be factual, but the people who have taken the cookie diet say it really works, and works wonders.

Cookie diet mainly consists of a cautiously put together cookie procedure and recipe which, when you munch it, holds back your cravings and hunger by in reality making you feel full already. It is prepared with a very definite set of choices for dinner that supplies you the nutrition and proteins your body requires and that too without having you eat much.

It is a well considered diet plan to assist the average person to shed a consistent amount of weight without the usual every day hunger. Hunger and cravings are not just the reasons people eat cookie diet, but they are the cause people eat excessively as it is simply wonderful for the people who simply eats just because they are starving rather than enjoy the sensation of eating a delightful meal.

This diet is rich in vitamins that you need with the purpose of making it a healthy and safe diet for the people who are enjoying it. nevertheless, the cookies by any way does not consists of any kind of drugs, instead they are full of hunger curbing proteins such as whole wheat, rice, bran , oats, and flour which greatly assists in warding off the frequent longing for food. Furthermore to make your cookie diet interesting this cookie comes in different flavors like: oatmeal raising, chocolate chip, blueberry, and many more.

For eating these “miracle” cookies while you are on a cookie diet, there is no particular time, you can simply eat them wherever and whenever you like, as long as you consume six cookies per day. If you rouse hungry early in the morning you can without doubt have one, or if you do not feel starving till mid day you don’t have to have one till the time you feel hungry. Cookie diet all together breakfast, lunch and dinner adds up to 800 fulfilling calories in a single day you don’t have to just drink water, you can drink tea or coffee also.

Like any other diet, first few days of the diet are quite difficult to manage, but those who are on the diet are satisfyingly surprised with the outcomes that they notice. Imagine just eating cookies and being able to lose weight, Magic! The diet cookie has become so popular that more than 50,000 people are doing cookie diet and losing weight from it.

What Is Eye Laser Surgery?

It is an oft quoted sentence that beauty lies in the eyes of beholder. However, if you are dogged by poor vision and find it quite difficult to concentrate and focus on your surroundings, it is best advised to get the eye laser surgery so as to rectify the vision and improve upon the eyesight in an hassle free way. Eye laser surgery is also known as LASIK an abbreviated form for Laser Assisted in situ Keraomileusis that is a well known refractive laser eye surgery to rectify cases of myopia, hyperopia and astigmatisms.

Eye laser surgery or LASIK was found by Spanish ophthalmologist Jose Barraquer who in 1950’s developed microkeratome that supported the process of cutting thin cornea flaps in the process of Keraomileusis. In the eye laser surgery procedure, there are several procedures that are looked into before operating the patient for eye laser surgery. In the eye laser surgery, a thin flap is created in the eye so that it can be folded and remodeled with laser surgery.

In order to begin with the eye laser surgery, patients who have been wearing contact lenses are asked to stop wearing them a week before the eye laser surgery. However, the patients who want to undergo an eye checkup with the use of pachymeter to determine the thickness and surface contour of eye cornea.

With the use of low power laser, a topographer draws a map of the cornea as it helps in detection of astigmatism and various other irregularities that are some times present with the shape of cornea. This information is quite helpful in providing the exact details of the eye. During the eye laser surgery, the patient is given an antibiotic dose so that he/she does not develop an infection.

In the eye laser surgery, it is a two stage operation where a corneal flap is created and in the second step laser remodeling is carried out followed out by the reposition of the flap and postoperative care. In the flap creation during the eye laser surgery, a corneal suction ring that helps in the creation of the flap with the use of microkeratome blade or a femtosecond laser microkeratome that creates many tiny bubbles in the cornea.

After this process, a hinge created at the end of eye flap that reveals stroma. After this step, the corneal stroma is remodeled with excimer laser in such a way that it does not damage the stroma. In this process, the tissue layers are removed. This operation is carried out in such a way that it is painless incision. Once the laser has remodeled the stromal layer, the LASIK flap is repositioned and checked for the presence for any air bubbles or debris.

The flap heals naturally and one has to be careful for the eye till it is completely cured. In order to help the healing process, anti inflammatory eye drops and antibiotics are used and patient is recommended to use dark glasses to avoid direct exposure to sunlight. Finally, when the eye heals, the vision is restored and one gets freedom from myopia and hyperopia.

Positive and Negative Effects of LAsik Eye Surgery

We often take everything for granted that is available to us. Our eyesight is no exception to this. We only start realizing its true value only when everything around seem to appear blurred to us. We become all the more dependable upon contact lenses and specs for our everyday needs so much that we just can’t do without them for even a few minutes.

Lasik eye surgery has been one such development approved in 1998 that eliminates your dependence on these specs and contact lenses for the rest of your life. LASIK which is an abbreviation for Laser In-Keratomileusis, is a kind of surgery procedure that involves a permanent change in the shape of cornea by employing the excimir laser treatment on your eyes. This ensures a perfect 20/20 vision after the treatment.

It is commonly said that in case of LASIK eye surgery, it is basically the skills and experience of the surgeon that counts than the machine that is being employed for the treatment. Internet and yellow pages are often good sources to search for qualified ands experienced doctors along with their contact details.

Apart from this, there are also various crucial tests that can be conducted to see if you are the right candidate who can be benefited from the LASIK eye surgery. Besides the general problems that relate to eye vision like myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia, even the problems of night vision can now be corrected through LASIK surgery. The fast recovery of the treatment makes it all the more in demand as 75-85% of the vision is recovered by the patient within the first 24 hours only. The time taken to conduct the LASIK surgery is quite less and similar is the case with its recovery time.

The LASIK surgery is not appropriate for people that have severe problems or the natural fluctuations in the thickness and shape of cornea as there might be complications that can be risky to handle. Blurred vision, aching dry eyes, development of halos or blinding light during the night are some of the common problems that are faced.

Some other risks should also be considered while you are looking forward for a treatment from LASIK eye surgery. There may be a possibility that the condition of your eye has been incorrectly diagnosed by the doctor. In such cases, the patient might be affected with incurable debilitating visual symptoms like halos, glare, or even double vision once your eyes has been operated upon. You may also develop a syndrome of dry eyes that might be unhealthy for the corneas of your eyes, if left untreated.

In case you are farsighted, it may be possible that you have to again resort to specs after a few years as you grow older. Though a significant improvement can be noticed after the LASIK treatment, still it always helps to have realistic expectations keeping in mind you health, eye condition, age and other such factors. Reading the information on the Internet and books related to LASIK eye surgery can prove to be of great help.