Senin, 25 Agustus 2008

Positive and Negative Effects of LAsik Eye Surgery

We often take everything for granted that is available to us. Our eyesight is no exception to this. We only start realizing its true value only when everything around seem to appear blurred to us. We become all the more dependable upon contact lenses and specs for our everyday needs so much that we just can’t do without them for even a few minutes.

Lasik eye surgery has been one such development approved in 1998 that eliminates your dependence on these specs and contact lenses for the rest of your life. LASIK which is an abbreviation for Laser In-Keratomileusis, is a kind of surgery procedure that involves a permanent change in the shape of cornea by employing the excimir laser treatment on your eyes. This ensures a perfect 20/20 vision after the treatment.

It is commonly said that in case of LASIK eye surgery, it is basically the skills and experience of the surgeon that counts than the machine that is being employed for the treatment. Internet and yellow pages are often good sources to search for qualified ands experienced doctors along with their contact details.

Apart from this, there are also various crucial tests that can be conducted to see if you are the right candidate who can be benefited from the LASIK eye surgery. Besides the general problems that relate to eye vision like myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia, even the problems of night vision can now be corrected through LASIK surgery. The fast recovery of the treatment makes it all the more in demand as 75-85% of the vision is recovered by the patient within the first 24 hours only. The time taken to conduct the LASIK surgery is quite less and similar is the case with its recovery time.

The LASIK surgery is not appropriate for people that have severe problems or the natural fluctuations in the thickness and shape of cornea as there might be complications that can be risky to handle. Blurred vision, aching dry eyes, development of halos or blinding light during the night are some of the common problems that are faced.

Some other risks should also be considered while you are looking forward for a treatment from LASIK eye surgery. There may be a possibility that the condition of your eye has been incorrectly diagnosed by the doctor. In such cases, the patient might be affected with incurable debilitating visual symptoms like halos, glare, or even double vision once your eyes has been operated upon. You may also develop a syndrome of dry eyes that might be unhealthy for the corneas of your eyes, if left untreated.

In case you are farsighted, it may be possible that you have to again resort to specs after a few years as you grow older. Though a significant improvement can be noticed after the LASIK treatment, still it always helps to have realistic expectations keeping in mind you health, eye condition, age and other such factors. Reading the information on the Internet and books related to LASIK eye surgery can prove to be of great help.

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