Senin, 08 September 2008

Chocolate Milk for Performance

A study published in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism found that cyclists that drank chocolate milk rode for 50 % longer than those who drank a protein drink, and for as long as those who drank an isotonic preparation.

Chocolate milk has an optimal ratio of 4:1 for carbohydrates to protein. The carbohydrates replace the energy lost during exercise, and the protein repairs the muscles. Chocolate milk is believed to be better than plain milk because of the added sugars.

Michael Phelps is said to drink chocolate milk between swimming events.

Jumat, 05 September 2008

Serious Skin Care - Before Starting be Aware of All-important Tips

What is serious skin care?

This kind of skin care involves providing a beautiful and healthy skin forever. As we are getting older, natural mechanisms of our body's skin care become weaker.

After having read the article, you will realize what steps such skin care includes actually. So you will most likely evaluate, analyze and change your daily skincare routines. In fact, your skin care routine should be based on your age, any changes in skin type, as well as environmental conditions you live in. Therefore the main purpose of serious skin care is to adequately respond to the changing needs of the skin.

Thanks to the recent research and technological advancements, many amazing facts are found out every day. Besides, the composition of all beauty solutions, including skin care solutions are changing day by day.

From this point, trying any new solutions and choosing the right one is also an important term of serious skincare. Most specialists recommend applying a new remedy on a small area of skin, for example on your ear first, and waiting for while to ensure it is not harmful for your skin.

While thinking to start serious care of your face you should also be aware of how to apply the skin care solutions.

Important skin care tips you should consider. Here are some important tips to be included in your daily serious facial care:

• Apply the moisturizers immediately after you have washed your skin.

• Use the correct amount of skincare remedies.

• Certainly remove the make-up with a make-up removal before you go to bed ,

• Cleanse your face before every moisturizing or make- up procedure

• Be gentle with your skin

• Avoid contacting with detergents.

If you will take into consideration all the above mentioned tips, you'll be able to get most effective results from the beauty products you are using.

Especially be careful while exfoliating you face, as with harsh exfoliation you may seriously damage your skin. Also try to avoid using the chemical based or low-quality remedies that are harmful for your face. Unfortunately, some people are wrong about proper skin care. They believe that such kind of care involves applying remedies in large amounts as frequently as possible. Of course, it's incorrect approach to serious facial care.

Especially avoid applying over-the-counter medication; without consulting a doctor. Self-treatment, self-surgery, including squeezing of pimples or acne are very dangerous.

It is better start to serious facial care with visiting a dermatologist, especially if you some skin disorders to be treated. Never ignore even your tiny skin issues that may become dangerous, leading to the damage of your skin.

Top Tips on Taking Good Care of the Skin on Your Hands

Many people always put all their efforts in maintaining the youthful appearance and texture of the skin on the face and neck because these areas are prone to premature aging. Besides, the neck and face are usually exposed to environmental toxins, harmful sunrays, makeup and grime.

However, there is also another part of the body that shows the telltale signs of aging but is not getting the attention it needs. This part is the hand, which incidentally is one (or two) of the most abused parts of the body. As a person gets older, the skin on both hands becomes a bit more flaky and thin because the connective and fat tissues in the area are lost or damaged. As a result, the hands look more transparent.

Using a pair of gloves may help prevent other people from seeing your aging hands, but this is not a very good idea during the summer. Instead of thinking of ways to hide your hands, you should probably start finding treatments and developing habits that can help alleviate the signs of aging. If you don't have any idea on what to do, just check the pointers below.

Get Into The Habit Of Wearing Rubber Gloves

Many people do not use rubber gloves when using cleaning materials and detergents. Unfortunately, the ingredients of such products can be harmful to the hands. In fact, they can strip the skin of moisture. So the next time you wash the dishes, clean your bathroom and do your laundry, you must use rubber gloves.

If your work requires you to hold chemicals, paints and other things that are harsh on your skin, you also need to remember to wear hand protection. If you go outside during the winter season, you also need to wear your gloves. The cold and wintry wind will cause your hands to dry and get chapped if not protected.

Don't Forget Your Hand Lotion

Washing your hands before eating and after using the toilet is necessary to prevent the spread of diseases and ingesting microbes. However, the components of most hand soaps can dry the skin of your hands. Remember that dryness and lack of moisture can bring about premature wrinkles and fine lines. Thus, you need to use lotion after washing your hands. Just make sure that the lotion you choose contains natural ingredients, such as vitamins E, B3 or B5. Almond oils, Aloe Vera and milk compounds also help smoothen rough skin.

Screen From The Sun

You probably use sunscreen protection to prevent your face, eyes, neck, and nape from getting sunburned. However, these parts are not the only ones exposed to sunlight. Your hands also need protection from the sun. If you do not want to look old prematurely, don't get stingy with your use of sunscreen lotion.

Mind Your Nails

Since fingernails are a part of your hands, you also need to take care of them. Every time you wash or soak your hands in water, your nails and cuticles become weaker and more brittle.

The first thing you need to do to protect your nails is by trying not to soak your hands in water for a prolonged time. Using a special nail and cuticle cream or oil after you take a bath or shower can also strengthen your nails.

Lastly, it is always best to immediately treat nail problems and infections. For example, if you see that one of your nails is suffering from nail fungus, you better start applying anti-fungal medication. One anti-fungal system that is effective in blasting away nail fungus is Somasin.

Healhty Skin Diet

Healthy skin diet is the key to clear beautiful skin. Diet is a very important factor in skin care. fruits in daily diet. There should be a proper balance diet in all meals in right proportion of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrate, fats and proteins. Non-vegetarians have rich amount of protein in their diet but vegetarian diet lacks it so they need to include good amount of proteins in their diet. One should avoid eating all junk food, fried food and saturated stuff to keep the skin in a good condition as they are the main cause of getting acne, pimples and break outs on the skin after hormonal imbalance. The majority of people in this country eat too much fat and not enough fibre and for most people a healthy diet is simple and easy to do. The move towards a healthy diet may just mean eating more fruit, vegetables, bread, cereals, potatoes, and pasta. Zinc is for boosting the immune system and promoting optimum health. Selenium is a mineral antioxidant that will help minimized the damage of ultraviolet lights. There are 5 basic food groups and a healthy diet consists of eating a variety of foods from all of the groups but in the correct proportions. First is Bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, noodles and breakfast cereals.

Second is fruit and vegetables. Third is milk and dairy foods. fourth is Meat, fish, poultry and pulses and last is foods containing fats and sugars. Proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins are the main skin foods which one needs to increase in the diet if the skin is saggy or is older than the actual age. Vitamin C-vitamin C is a very helpful vitamin in keeping all the allergies away from body and help increasing the immune system.Sugar is one of the main sources of carbohydrates but it causes more damage than benefit so one should keep a check on the sugar intake in one's diet. Vegetarian diet lack proper proteins so vegetarians can increase their intake of pulses, dairy products, and sprouts, which are rich source of proteins. Soya beans too are a great source and these days they are available in different meal types in markets as Soya chunks, Soya granules, Soya flour, which is very good for body and skin. Vitamin E to protect your cells against free radicals. This is a powerful antioxidant that helps slow the aging of skin cells and promote healthy skin.
Healhty Skin Diet Tips

1. Food eaten should be warm, freshly cooked and must be in proper quantity.

2. Virudh anna (food that is incompatible with each other) should not be taken. Such as fruit salads prepared in milk or milk preparations must be avoided with fish.

3. The environment around while consuming food must be clean, pleasant and hygienic.

4. Spicy, very hot, oily, fried and pungent food must be avoided and thus junk food, fast food from outside must be avoided.

5. Large amount of water, liquids, juices etc must be taken to reduce dryness of the intestine and drain wastes out of the blood through urine.

6. Fruit juice such as grapes, lemon, etc. is also recommended.

7. Selenium plays a key role in skin cancer prevention.

8. Zinc is for boosting the immune system and promoting optimum health.

9. Selenium is a mineral antioxidant that will help minimized the damage of ultraviolet lights.

10. Vitamins are essential in one's daily diet and they play a very important role in skin care.

11. Drink Plenty of Water.

Kamis, 28 Agustus 2008

Effective Herbal Acne Treatment

There are a hundred different medicines that you can use to treat acne. There are over the counter creams and lotions as well as prescription medicine designed to help treat acne from within your body. For the cash strapped acne sufferer there are alternative ways to treat acne without spending too much and is considered much safer as it is natural. Herbal acne treatments have been proven to work and have been around as much as acne creams and medicines have been prescribed and advertised.

Acnes are not just a simple blackhead or pimple but are large papules and nodules that form under or on top of the skin. It is a disorder in which the pilosebaceous glands of the skin are infected. They can affect anyone from any age group, male or female. Acne can occur on the face, back, chest and shoulders.

Some known effective herbal acne treatment includes the tea tree oil which is antibacterial in nature and has a drying effect on the skin. Keeping the bacteria that causes pimples at bay while reducing the oiliness of your face makes it one of the most popular herbal acne treatments in the market. You can use it by applying a small amount of the undiluted oil onto the affected area or add it to your toner or nightly cream.

Studies have also shown that regular intake of green tea helps lessen acne. It is just as effective as over the counter medicines without causing too much irritation on the skin. Green tea aides in detoxification and therefore, helps in the overall cleansing of the body. It also calming and refreshing which helps the body de-stress and relax.

You can also try this infusion which uses a warm compress to open up the pores and rid it of trapped dirt and oil. Boil a quart of water in a pan and then remove it from the heat. Add a cup of dried thyme leaves and let it steep for 20 minutes. Let it cool down for a bit and soak a washcloth in the mixture. Wring the excess water from the washcloth and put it on your face for 15 minutes. Repeat if desired then remove the washcloth and apply an astringent.

There are very few side effects for using herbal acne treatments and certainly is less irritating on your skin. Their efficacy is the same as prescription medicines and those store bought creams and lotions. These alone present no reason why you shouldn’t try these alternative treatments to cure your acne.

How to have a healthy cholesterol level?

A healthy cholesterol level is always an added advantage to a person’s life as he or she would have no worry over heart diseases and would be able to lead a healthy and happy lifestyle. However, in our modern society, it seems increasingly hard for a person to lead a healthy lifestyle and maintain a healthy cholesterol level. Being caught up at work, we have insufficient time for leisure, let alone exercise or having the spare time to cook up a healthy dish for our families. But is having a healthy lifestyle that leads to a healthy cholesterol level really not for us?

Here are some steps to achieve a healthy cholesterol level, but be advised, it is not one-time thing, and rather you have to do it continuously till the day you pass on in life. Read the rest of this entry »

Water is very important for the human body

Everyone knows that we could not live without water. During this article I want to underline for you a few benefits that the water has on the human body. You won’t know some of them or you probably considered them not important. First of all let me add that an individual needs steady hydration during his lifetime, each year, every day.

Studies show that 1.5 liters of water are compulsory in order to ensure that the kidney functions stay at the normal levels. If you add a glass of fresh juice and another one of milk, it should be enough to provide your body with the necessary daily amount of liquids. You should avoid the mineral and sweet drinks, because they won’t help in a weight loss diet. Better add instead some red wine, around 3 glasses a day. You can also drink coffee, but only in the morning.

Water can be also mixed with lemon in order to help our organism. If you drink a glass of hot water with lemon 10 minutes before a meal and a second one 30 minutes after the meal you will register a wise move. The first glass will occupy space in your stomach and this way less food would be needed to fill it up. The after the meal glass helps the digestion.

Another important trick that relates water and the human body is the Scottish shower. Our body works at it’s top parameters when the blood circulation is optimal. To stimulate the circulation, do each morning and evening a shower where you alternate cold and hot water. Do it wisely and steady and try to avoid a heart-attack that can be caused by huge temperature differences. The Scottish shower reduces cellulites and, for women, it maintains the fitness and shape of the breasts. More tricks can be found here.